Wynter Valen


General Information

Name: Wynter Valen
Nicknames: Wyn / Winter
Other Names: Yuki [Yokai Name]
Race: Half Viera, Half Yokai.
Age: Mid 20s
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Pronouns: He/They [masc enby]
Sexuality: Pansexual Poly- Male leaning.
Occupation: Idol | Musician
Hobbies: Sketching, Painting, Cooking & Mixology.


Wynter is rather friendly, at the price of being a cheeky menace! He'll playfully tease his friends and maybe even play a prank or two. His love language is throwing out little nicknames here and there. Despite the chaos he sews, he can also be a great source of comfort. He's incredibly caring and patient, he's willing to befriend anyone... Even if it takes time. The brooding edgy loners aren't spared.Strength: Wynter's front is very much a airheaded bimbo with a love for partying. Although he's incredibly smart when it comes to reading people. Some underestimate how many steps ahead he is in certain forsights.Weakness: He gets incredibly nervous in certain situations when he's not prepared and put on the spot.Deeper:
Wynter is quite a hopeless romantic whether it's long term or short. He loves artsy things in life from painting to poetry. He can get very sentimentle and find deeper meaning in even the mundane.

Yokai Side

His more Yokai side has a complex relationship with emotions. As if fueled by them, yet feigns that they are being blocked out at the same time.You could say it's simply cold, in more ways than one. His Yokai side acts on instinct and impulse. Something that is almost primal and can be violent at times when out of control. There's a gnawing itch for battle, an unstoppable thirst to learn from each fight lost and grow stronger.Wynter has rules about sparring with him, requiring an extra, strong individual on hand to be able to break it up, as well as a medic overseeing everything.When he can't control his emotions, sometimes his powers will run wild.

Yokai Power & Aether

Wynter's mother was a Yuki-Onna, a type of yokai associated with ice and snow. Wynter's aether leans so heavily to the element of ice that it resembles closer to that of yeti's out in the tundra and other horrific ice monsters despite his rather normal appearance. He's truly an interesting case for those who have aethersight or simply a strong sense for it.
His yokai heritage makes him icy cold to the touch. Being half viera, his body is unfortunately not compatible with it's own freezing temperatures. It means that after a while he gets too cold. Although he can't actually feel it himself. He can't feel natural occuring cold or his own coldness. The tell that he's too cold comes from trembling and not being able to feel his fingertips. There's even been more drastic times where he had shut down completely, falling asleep without someone being able to awaken him with ease.Developments:
There still isn't a permanent cure he knows of to this incompatiblity and there probably ever won't be. He's made his peace with that. However there is two very note worthy things he's concluded in his time dealing with his condition.
1. The effects are slowed down when surrounding himself by warm baths, warm clothes and warm people. Heat in general can be a temporary fix. Although it doesn't stop it entirely.2. The coldness inside himself is his own power that's stored inside and accumulates more over time. If he wants to keep it from freezing him from the inside, he needs to keep 'letting out' that build up. The best way to do this is through using his abilities in combat and daily duties.Abilities
Ice Creation: Whether it be giant glaciers in front of him or delicately crafted sculpts from ice in the palm of his hand, he can create ice at will from thin air or by freezing liquids in the area. When his emotions get out of control he often freezes liquids that he walks by, in more extreme cases leaving trails of frost and shards of ice. When he's upset, rarely do tears make it the entire way down his face.
Ice Telekinesis: He can move ice around at will, even mould it as if it were dough in his hands to create whatever shape he desires. Sometimes this won't always be the case where he's still learning to control his abilities in the moment. In combat he often fights with weapons made entirely of ice... And sometimes he shapeshifts them into other weapons... and some of those he has absolutely no idea how to use! This unpredictablity that mixes weaponry and magic is why he's not only dangerous to fight but banned from most combat contests.


UpbringingWynter grew up in an incredibly wealthy noble household within Kugane, his clan was considered one of the oldest, decorated and renowned. It was very much a cushiony life where he never had to lift a finger for himself and partied wildly. However, his parents highly valued tradition and maintaining a high social standing. They often had exclusive, luxurious parties to flaunt their wealth and maintain relations with VIPs to pursue buisness endeavours.Wynter was highly encouraged to socialise with people on account of who their families were and what such relations would mean to the wealth and social climb of his family name.This was mostly by his father, while his mother was hardly ever present.They soon grew tired of the rather fake friendships he formed along the way. The constant whispers of gossip from such a lifestyle left him with a lot of anxieties and insecurities. His parents heavily disapproved of his ambitions surrounding music and art. Upon voicing that he intended to pursue both and travel the world, he was cut off from his families fortune.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leaving Home
They soon grew tired of the rather fake friendships he formed along the way. The constant whispers of gossip from such a lifestyle left him with a lot of anxieties and insecurities. His parents heavily disapproved of his ambitions surrounding music and art. Upon voicing that he intended to pursue both and travel the world, he was cut off from his families fortune.
Without any street smarts, basic knowledge to take care of himself himself or a penny to his name, he set off into the world. At first he got into cooking and botany, while he was terrible at both, it drove off that gnawing itch to steal when he couldn't even afford basic foods. This downspiral eventually led him to get involved in a group known as Yu Yi, a thieves guild and hosts to a fight club. Although the roles he played in that time period are something he scarecly speaks of.He went without even a home for the longest time, camping around The Black Shround and beyond. However, after making a few friends and recieving some help, he's beginning to pick himself up again. Although his old partying habits have rather rapidly returned, this time though, he speaks to who he wishes.
True Natures Revealed
Upon what he thought would be the end, settling into a small apartment with a few jobs at different places and his recorded music doing rather well, something else began to come to the surface.
It started with freezing liquids in his near vicinity whenever his emotions got the better of him and escalated so far as manifesting large chunks of ice in a range of specific shapes. The cold began effecting his own body the more he tried to contain it. Ice would form across his fingers, leaving them numb, his body temperature plumiting that would leave him with a great level of fatigue.Upon fearing for himself and the people he cared about, he began seeking help while researching different areas of magic to find a solution to his icy conditions. It was only when he found help within a spirit that his true nature came to light. That he was born of viera and spirit. A bridge between two realms.

Please Note !!
There are a few details that I have left out due to the flavour of characters being able to find out little pieces of information by getting to know Wyn. There are some things that he himself still doesn't know, so as he finds out more things about his Yokai side, I will update as they become available knowledge ♡♡


Aether of IceTo those who more so specialise in aether sight and aether senses, Wynter is definitely a unique case. Despite physically being very viera in appearance, his aether more so reflects something similar to the yetis and other ice monsters out in the tundra. Wynter himself isn't adept in the ways of aether at all, so he only knows this from what others have told him.

Skin of SnowIf you get within a few feet of Wynter, you might just notice the temperature dip a few degrees. His body is also ice cold to the touch. Due to his yokai side being incompatible with his viera body, you might catch little tells where the cold is getting to him.

Battle of BlizzardsAre you a fighter? So is Wynter's yokai side and usually they are itching to spar with someone. He has a few rules [See his about section] so that noone gets hurt... But if you piss him off, all of those safety nets will go out the window.Those who's aether leans more towards the aspect of fire tends to get him eager to spar even more.

Kugane Popstar | Idol WYNWynter is a musician as his primary career, going by "WYN" as a stage name. His style is a form of alternative pop, which are very lyrical focused given his love of poetry. If your character is eastern or simply likes that style of music, perhaps they might've heard a song or two. Maybe mrore!